Wednesday, January 07, 2009


I was recently checking some favorite blogs and noticing that few have been recently updated... probably because we were busy with holiday preparations. And, of course, I am guilty of that as well.

So, I'll start off the year with this question and see if you can guess the answer:

Other than all being charitable organizations (501(c)(3) groups as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service), can you guess what the following groups all have in common?

Disabled American Veterans
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
The Alzheimer's Association
Breast Cancer
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
University Alumni Association
American Diabetes Association
The Humane Society
American Lung Association
St. Jude's Children's Hospital
Omaha Home for Boys
Children's Cancer Research Fund
National Foundation for Cancer Research
Habitat for Humanity
Foundation Fighting Blindness

And, I pray for you a multitude of blessings to you and yours in 2009!


Vonnie said...

I have no idea - but I did update my blog.

Vonnie said...

Maybe you have contributed to all of these???

Greetings From Tucson said...

Thank you for your guesses! But, no, those are not the correct answer. Allison guessed that they all had female CEOs, but that is not the answer either.
I'll let you keep trying for a day or so.