Monday, October 09, 2006

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

There is something to be said for laughing.

Friday evening a friend and I surprised another friend to celebrate a birthday that ends in ZERO, and whisked her off to dinner and a campy audience-involved mystery theatre. Four actors, improvised script, great imaginative lines and music, and just plain fun. (The actor in drag turned out to be an alumni of my high school that I remembered. Although he did not remember me, it was perfectly fine because he was almost scary!)

The 3 of us have been friends for more than 20 years - through kids growing, houses moving, jobs changing, and more. As always, we had a wonderful time together. And we laughed.

Maybe you've heard the phrase "laughter is the best medicine." On a whim, I did a search on 'laughter' and found more than 15,000 websites dedicated to laughter. Did you know there is laughter yoga? To find out how laughter works physiologically, visit Whatever the effect, we just had fun. I came away from the weekend feeling lighter, and less bogged down.

I hope my friends had as much fun as I did. Happy Birthday!


Vonnie said...

How cool of you to do that. Great picture!

Christopher Green said...

God bless you, all.

Little else matches the blessing of good friends.