I took a walk yesterday after work - thought I'd get some exercise. I thought to myself part way into the walk (picture me walking down the street with a speech bubble over my head), "Wow, this is great. Here I am walking and those nasty little gnats aren't bothering me at all. It must be too cool outside." (It was only about 78 degrees at 6:00 PM.) No sooner than the thought processed through my brain, when swarms of gnats descended. They made this little "eeeekkkkk" sound while trying to fly in my ears, then tried to fly up my nose, landed on any exposed skin, and were just generally annoying. So, half of my walk was fun, the other half was more beneficial aerobically, as I tried to escape the little buggers.
I just went outside with Short-stuff and met up with a lovely female tarantula. I thought for a moment she was dead, so I blew on her - oops, not dead, just napping. She has now wandered off to parts unknown.
Last week after a rain shower we had a lovely, colorful snake on the patio. "Oh," I say to hubby, "there is a snake on the patio." "What kind?", he asks. "I think just a king snake," I reply. Hubby gets up off couch and grabs camera to photograph said snake, then attempts to remove snake from patio with first a dust pan, then a broom. The snake tries to climb up offensive broom - not good! So, I offer some wifely advice: "Why don't you just pick it up at the back of the head and remove it to the wash?" (Of course, you would never catch me doing this!) We watch this snake for a while, who eventually slithers away, then come inside to look him up in our Audubon Society book. Scarily enough he was an Arizona Coral Snake! Scientific comments about this snake include, "Do not handle! Venom is highly dangerous." Hubby did have a good story to tell around the water cooler the next day.
What do you think about the planet Pluto, which was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff in 1930, being demoted to a dwarf planet? I grew up learning and memorizing the 9 planets of our solar system; how many other so called 'facts' that I've been told were a sure-thing, will be changed to accommodate 'new scientific understanding'? God knows all about the planet we call Pluto - I wonder what God named this planet?
Psalm 147:1, 4-5 (NIV)
Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.
One thing that won't change?
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8, NIV)
Anything bugging you today?
Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Stiker Di Toples Plastik
2 months ago
1 comment:
If I had seen that snake I would have gotten as far away as possible and yelled for someone else to get rid of it? I DO NOT LIKE SNAKES
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