Strolling past the front door last night... looking for love in all the wrong places... our guest Tarry the Tarantula.
One of God's creations.
Can you see his 8 eyes? The two in front are easily visible, but there are also 3 on each side of his head. This may be a female as males are nearly black at maturity.
Could you have created this wonderful creature? Only God in His infinite wisdom.
Wonderful creature? I would have been scared to death to see this. What did you do with him? Besides take his picture.
I once had one spend the night in my hiking boot on a Mexico mission trip. I didn't find her/him (I really didn't take the time to do a gender check)until there wasnt' enough room for the two of us in the toe of my left boot.
We parted company with me not trying to lose my cool in front of about 50 other church people! Comically creepy!
What DID you do with her/him? While I can occasionally crunch a "regular" spider under foot... these guys are just too big... that would be like poaching or something!
All I did was take his picture and let him walk away. He (or she) hung around for about an hour, then walked off into the moonlight looking for someone else to hang out. Same with the Gila Monster (check previous post). He hung out by the front door for about an hour, ate a few flying ants, and went on his way. CG-thanks for sharing your tarantula story too.
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