A title in today's 'lifestyle' section of our newspaper:
"Keeping Friends" -
Americans' inner circles are shrinking, despite technological innovations that make it easier than ever to stay connected You can read the entire article at this address:
http://www.azstarnet.com/accent/139382 The article goes on to state various reasons why there appears to be a 50% decline in the number of persons we consider "close friends", currently counted at 2 (one is a spouse), down from 3, in 1985. The suggestion? Susan Newman, a social psychologist at Rutgers University, attributes the decline in the number of close friends to be related to time and space. "We have less time to devote to our friends." she states. She also adds that "we need to be more intentional about hanging on to the friends we want, and less nervous about letting go of the ones we don't care about as much." (Does that sound harsh to you?)
Matthew Brashears, a researcher at the University of Arizona states that "It's possible, that the Internet and cell phones have led Americans to make a sort of trade. Instead of having three close friends you have coffee with on a regular basis, you might have two close friends and three more you e-mail regularly and talk to weekly on the phone."
So, what does this mean for the average American? Another interesting question - what does it mean for the average church family?
This article does not touch on those Americans who regularly attend church - something that should be bringing us closer together, and would probably change their research statistics. Yet, it is my observation that churches are having a more difficult time finding volunteers to handle servant roles - driving another member to the doctor; taking food for illness or bereavement; babysitting in the church nursery; teaching a Bible class; regularly picking up another member and driving them to church; sacrificing time to organize a women's retreat. Many of these servant roles are being handled by retired church members, members who have the time during the day to complete these needs. Not to down-play their service, but their serving does not relieve the rest of us from the responsibility.
Are we becoming too busy to serve God in our churches? Are we becoming too consumed with 'busy-ness' to maintain old friends and make new friends? Internet, computer, e-mail, instant messaging, blogging (yes, even that!), cell phones, pagers - all take us away from face-to-face contact with another living being. Don't misunderstand me, as I use all of the above mentioned tech tools regularly, as they help me stay in touch with family, especially my daughters, who don't live near me.
But, I wonder? In the time I've spent writing this blog, could I have called a friend and met for coffee? Or, sent a card to encourage a friend? Or ?