For those of us who regularly read blogs -
We all have our favorite blogs bookmarked so that we can visit, read, and comment if desired. We each have our own little blog world that we travel in, occasionally making a stop at a new destination found by a comment on a favorite blog.
Have you ever gone travelling in blog world not knowing where you'll stop and visit?
Try this: Just above the blog title is a little link called "Next Blog" (at least on blogger, I'm not sure about Word Press...). Click "Next Blog" and see where you go...
I tried it multiple times from my blog and from a few others and it is a random "next". I never got the same blog twice that was supposedly "next".
I visited lots of photographs, art drawings, other countries and multiple languages. It was a pleasant diversion in my afternoon.
Let me know who you find!
Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Stiker Di Toples Plastik
3 months ago