I confess to being at a small loss for words - hence not much blogging recently. Just a few thoughts on my mind....
Are you tired of the political TV ads, computer generated phone calls, and the mega-conglomeration of signs posted at street corners? What an honor to be able to vote and live in the U.S.A! But, shameless campaigning for propositions that have hidden agendas and meanings, along with the smear campaigns by the competing candidates leave me anxious for the entire process to be over. We voted early, by mail, after spending several hours one evening pouring over the ballot and assorted campaign literature. 20 propositions are up for vote in So. Arizona, along with heated races between the candidates for Congress and the state legislature. Voting is sort of like investing - past performance (good or bad) is not a guarantee for future results (good or bad).
Are you looking forward to the new season of 24 in January? You can watch the trailer at http://www.24trailer.com/ . Scary! What will happen to Jack Bauer?! Some of the conservative radio talk shows have new lingo - people calling in saying they're a "Jack Bauer Conservative." Interesting thought, although I confess I'm not sure exactly what that means - perhaps having the ability to assess a situation quickly, act decisively without remorse, while all the while putting yourself in harm's way? Thoughts?
A Christian brother of ours is currently serving in Iraq and his newsletters home bring the far-away war to a sobering reality. Whether you agree with the war or not, the fact remains that we have many brave men and women serving overseas with honor. Here I sit at my computer, quietly drinking a cup of coffee. Our friend asks that we pray for peace.
There was another obituary in the paper the other day of yet another person who died of melanoma, at the young age of 46. Last month there was someone who was only 31. Keep wearing your sunscreen! I guess you don't have to deal with too many needless deaths to understand why my dermatologist is aggressive in removing suspicious growths.
We are enjoying our study in Biblical Archaeology - learning about places where Jesus, Abraham, Herod (the Great and Agrippa and Antipas), Pontius Pilate, and Paul lived and walked are enlightening. It is interesting to note that many places have been recently (in archaeological terms) excavated. The only known physical evidence of Pilate's existence was found in Caesarea (Maritima) in the 1950's, a reused stone plaque in the theater that was remodeled in the 3rd century C.E. (Common Era, replaced the old A.D.). The inscription reads "...the Tiberium, which Pontius Pilate, the Prefect of Judea, gave and dedicated." The stone plaque measures 32 by 27 inches. Pilate held the office of Prefect of Judea from 26 to 36 C.E. and lived in Caesarea. To build the harbor at Caesarea, the Herodian builders utilized hydraulic concrete, invented by the Romans. It was comprised of mortar, volcanic sand, pumice and lime, and because it was 3 times denser than water, it had the capability of hardening beneath the ocean surface - quite an accomplishment 2000 years ago. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem stands over the temple that was destroyed in 70 C.E. How do you suppose they moved 200 ton blocks to build the temple, of which now remains part of the Wailing Wall? Moving 200 tons is a challenge in this day even with huge earth moving equipment.
Just a few thoughts on my mind. What's on your mind?
Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Stiker Di Toples Plastik
2 months ago